

Barra Olímpica 20Kg - BOOMFIT

Barra Olímpica 20Kg - BOOMFIT

L'attrezzatura essenziale per l'allenamento con i pesi liberi, che permette di allenare tutto il corpo e progredire continuamente aggiungendo peso.

Power Bags are designed for functional training, teaching the body to use its stabilizing muscles effectively, even in the most complex movement

Power Bag 20Kg - BOOMFIT


Barra Olímpica Ultimate Bullfit 20Kg Entrenamiento Funcional

Disco Hi-Temp 20Kg - BOOMFIT

Barra Olímpica 20Kg Black Edition BOOMFIT

Barra de Tríceps Olímpica - BOOMFIT

The Hi-Temp Disc is an excellent choice for those looking for quality and durability.

Hi-Temp Disc 20Kg - BOOMFIT

The essential equipment for free weight training, allowing you to train your whole body and progress continuously by adding weight.

Olympic Bar 20Kg - BOOMFIT

Suporte de Kettlebells - BOOMFIT

Barra Dorsal - BOOMFIT

Barra Olímpica 20Kg - BOOMFIT

Dumbbells are essential to building your strength and muscle in the upper and lower body, by working all your muscles.

Round Dumbbell Weights 20Kg (Pair) - BOOMFIT

The essential equipment for free weight training, allowing you to train your whole body and progress continuously by adding weight.

Olympic Bar 20Kg Black Edition - BOOMFIT

Fitness & Pilates Equipment - BOOMFIT (3)