

Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper

Introverso, schivo e riservato, Edward Hopper (1882-1967) è stato un grande pittore, interprete dell’uomo del XIX secolo. Dipinge scene di vita quotidiana, in modo apparentemente semplice e banale, eppure le sue immagini suscitano un interesse e un fascino del tutto particolari. Le sue opere appaiono infatti inafferrabili, misteriose e segrete. Se è stato talvolta considerato come il vate dell’int

Edward Hopper Artwork for Sale at Online Auction

Edward Hopper

Hotel Room - Hopper, Edward. Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza

21 Facts About Edward Hopper, American Art

Edward Hopper - Illustration History

Day After the Funeral

Edward Hopper: Artist Review – Titan Shield

Edward Hopper, Room in Brooklyn (1932)

Edward Hopper: the artist who evoked urban loneliness and disappointment with beautiful clarity

Perspective Edward Hopper's 'New York Movie,' at MoMA, evokes disappointment that makes it feel real - Washington Post

Morning Sun - 1000Museums

Bowdoin College Museum of Art - Edward Hopper's Maine

Newfields exhibit: Edward Hopper as more than social-distancing icon

Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper, New York Interior