

Should I Buy a Gyuto or Santoku Knife? - Hasu-Seizo

Should I Buy a Gyuto or Santoku Knife? - Hasu-Seizo

If you have just started down the path of finding a new, high quality kitchen knife, we would like to introduce you to the niche of Japanese Kitchen knives.  From ancient Japan to current day Japan, knife and sword making are held in high regard and honor. The attention to detail and the high standards of workmanship p

Is there any reason to buy a Santoku knife over a Gyuto? And would

Sakai Takayuki, Gyuto Kourchi Aoniko Knife

Gyuto vs Santoku, what's the difference? - Syosaku-Japan

Should I Buy a Gyuto or Santoku Knife? - Hasu-Seizo

Santoku v.s. Gyuto: which is best?

Sakai Takayuki, Gyuto Knife 180mm

Sakai Takayuki, Petty Santoku Nakiri Knife Set

Should I Buy a Gyuto or Santoku Knife? - Hasu-Seizo

Sakai Takayuki, Gyuto 210mm Damascus 69 Layer

How To Choose The Correct Japanese Knife For You - Hasu-Seizo

Sakai Takayuki, Santoku Knife Damascus 17