

MAEs of HF/MINIX-based methods (relative to the reference data) for the

MAEs of HF/MINIX-based methods (relative to the reference data) for the

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MAEs of HF/6-31G*-based methods (relative to the reference data) for

Exponential averaging versus umbrella sampling for computing the QM/MM free energy barrier of the initial step of the desuccinylation reaction catalyz - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D1CP05007A

MAEs of HF/6-31G*-based methods (relative to the reference data) for

MAEs of HF/6-31G*-based methods (relative to the reference data) for

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Evolution and Resolution of Long-term Cardiac Memory

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Cellular and molecular determinants of altered Ca2+ handling in the failing rabbit heart: primary defects in SR Ca2+ uptake and release mechanisms

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Exponential averaging versus umbrella sampling for computing the QM/MM free energy barrier of the initial step of the desuccinylation reaction catalyz - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D1CP05007A