

Presenting New 2022 Model - Marble Run Spiral Hoist!

Presenting New 2022 Model - Marble Run Spiral Hoist!

The Marble Run Spiral Hoist is the fourth model in the UGears collection of fascinating DIY wooden mechanical marble runs. The hoist has two types of rails to speed the ascent: the main spiral rails and vertical rails. Free Shipping on orders $19+
The Marble Run Spiral Hoist is the fourth model in the UGears collection of fascinating DIY wooden mechanical marble runs. The hoist has two types of rails to speed the ascent: the main spiral rails and vertical rails. 

Mechanical Wood Marble Run Spiral Hoist for Sale

You look marble-ous! Introducing the mechanical Marble Run Stepped Hoist, the second in a series of Ugears modular marble runs. This fun and fascinating wooden marble run features an ingenious 3-stepped alternating lift mechanism and a set of new features to hold your attention as you watch the marbles make their cyclical journey. Multiple tracks and elements are packed into a compact space in this DIY marble run.

UGears - Marble Run Stepped Hoist

Ugears model kit Marble Run Stepped Hoist

item: 4820184121287 Number of components: 355 Estimated time of assembly: 8 hours Level: Advanced

Marble Run Stepped Hoist model kit

Ugears model kit Marble Run Chain Hoist

Ugears model kit Marble Run Chain Hoist

Astonishing mechanics: The Marble Run Spiral Hoist is the fourth model in the UGEARS collection of mechanical marble runs. This wooden marble maze features a fantastic movement system full of uphill and downhill routes Rewarding challenge: Similar to other UGEARS 3D wooden puzzles for adults, this marble 3D maze provides 6+ hours of assembly joy.

UGears Spiral Hoist Marble Run Wooden Mechanical Model Kit

Astonishing mechanics: The Marble Run Spiral Hoist is the fourth model in the UGEARS collection of mechanical marble runs. This wooden marble maze features a fantastic movement system full of uphill and downhill routes Rewarding challenge: Similar to other UGEARS 3D wooden puzzles for adults, this marble 3D maze provides 6+ hours of assembly joy.

UGears Spiral Hoist Marble Run Wooden Mechanical Model Kit

Ugears Fan Club, Finished the stepped hoist marble run

Astonishing mechanics: The Marble Run Spiral Hoist is the fourth model in the UGEARS collection of mechanical marble runs. This wooden marble maze features a fantastic movement system full of uphill and downhill routes Rewarding challenge: Similar to other UGEARS 3D wooden puzzles for adults, this marble 3D maze provides 6+ hours of assembly joy.

UGears Spiral Hoist Marble Run Wooden Mechanical Model Kit

Wood Marble Machine

You look marble-ous! Introducing the mechanical Marble Run Stepped Hoist, the second in a series of Ugears modular marble runs. This fun and fascinating wooden marble run features an ingenious 3-stepped alternating lift mechanism and a set of new features to hold your attention as you watch the marbles make their cyclical journey. Multiple tracks and elements are packed into a compact space in this DIY marble run.

UGears - Marble Run Stepped Hoist

You look marble-ous! Introducing the mechanical Marble Run Stepped Hoist, the second in a series of Ugears modular marble runs. This fun and fascinating wooden marble run features an ingenious 3-stepped alternating lift mechanism and a set of new features to hold your attention as you watch the marbles make their cyclical journey. Multiple tracks and elements are packed into a compact space in this DIY marble run.

UGears - Marble Run Stepped Hoist