

Fellini's La Strada: a vision of masculinity and femininity that still haunts us today

Fellini's La Strada: a vision of masculinity and femininity that still  haunts us today

The movie that won the first Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film has just been re-released and presents a challenging vision of gender relations.

Life Is a Feast: Fellini at 100 on Notebook

The 5th Best Director of All-Time: Federico Fellini - The Cinema

The many faces of Federico Fellini – part one: the neorealist

Gardner Between the Fasces and the Cross: Politics and History

Fellini and the Folly of Happiness: An Exploration of LA STRADA

Fellini and the Folly of Happiness: An Exploration of LA STRADA

Fellini's La Strada: a vision of masculinity and femininity that

What makes Federico Fellini 'the maestro' of Italian cinema?

The Weekly Stuff Wordcast, Jonathan R. Lack

The Beasts and the Beastly: Colonial Discourse and the (Non-)Human

The Beasts and the Beastly: Colonial Discourse and the (Non-)Human

Gardner Between the Fasces and the Cross: Politics and History