

The Universe

The Universe

Touch down on the planets of our solar system, before continuing your trip to the edge of the known Universe via exoplanets, newborn stars, supernova

The Beginning to the End of the Universe: The cosmic dark ages

Was Our Universe Created by a Black Hole in Another Universe?

Where is the edge of the universe?

Stephen Hawking's most famous prediction could mean that everything in the universe is doomed to evaporate, new study says

What Does the Future of the Universe Hold?, Science

Saturday Citations: Gravitational waves, time travel and the simulated universe hypothesis

Observable Universe, Beyond Universe Wiki

The universe: Your essential guide to its breathtaking wonders

Scientists confirm the universe has no direction, Imperial News

What is the Universe? What is an Exoplanet? – Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System

Exploring Our Universe

Why is the universe ripping itself apart? - The Week