

Why we think Wall-E is cute and fortune teller robots are creepy

Why we think Wall-E is cute and fortune teller robots are creepy

Have you ever noticed that some robots look super cute while others look incredibly creepy? Imagine, for example, Wall-E of the same-titled movie: Eyes that look like binoculars, no face, box-shaped body, and clamps for hands. While that sounds scary at first, the robot is a loveable character and generates almost instant empathy. And now…

Wall-E: Robotic Humans and Humanistic Robots – Max at the Movies

What do you think makes a superb anime? Why? - Quora

Review: Charming Wall-E Sweeps Up Trash, Hearts

Lack Of Emotions Revealed In The Film I, Robot

WALL-E' shows robots are humans, too – Orange County Register

10 Ways That Wall-E Is Scary & Disturbing

Why Is WALL·E The Last Robot On Earth?

When EMO goes EMO for Halloween 😱 #emopet #emorobot #emoemo #emo #liv

From Hitchhiker's Paranoid Android to Wall-E: why are pop culture robots so sad?, Artificial intelligence (AI)

Uncovering the TRUTH Behind Wall-E: He's Not What You Think!