

US Navy Fighter Weapons School - “TOPGUN” Patch – Kai Tak Ethos

US Navy Fighter Weapons School - “TOPGUN” Patch – Kai Tak Ethos

Screen accurate version of the famous US Navy FWS graduates’ patch, made to military specifications and up to the standard as seen in the blockbuster “TOP GUN Maverick” as worn by Tom Cruise's character Captain Pete Mitchell     High quality embroidery with finest velcro attached.  

Screen accurate version of the famous US Navy FWS graduates’ patch, made to military specifications and up to the standard as seen in the blockbuster “TOP GUN Maverick” as worn by Tom Cruise's character Captain Pete Mitchell 


 High quality embroidery with finest velcro attached.  

ProductCreationTemplate 2021-01-11

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Kai Tak Ethos - 【👩‍✈️👨‍✈️Hong Kong Flight Crew ID Holder👩‍✈️👨‍✈️】 日常機組人員都需要佩帶機組人員身份證Crew Member Certificate (CMC) ,所以每人都有最少一個ID card holder 係身。 以前呢類holder比較普通,少有航空主題,許多航空界的朋友都只好

Kai Tak Ethos - 【皇家香港輔助空軍】 #皇家香港輔助空軍(#RHKAAF)於1993年解散,改組成為#政府飛行服務隊。 1993年的解散晚宴, #港督彭定康擔任嘉賓。圖中前排左至右為: 時任保安司

Design inspired by the Royal Navy Flag Ship Aircraft Carrier - HMS Queen Elizabeth, Featuring F35 Lightning at the back of the cap. , Limited

HMS Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier Baseball Cap

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