

Stephen King 'sincerely' apologizes for joke about upstate New York during speakership battle

Stephen King 'sincerely' apologizes for joke about upstate New York during  speakership battle

Horror writer Stephen King offended upstate New Yorkers after comparing the speakership of the U.S. House of Representatives to a stay in Utica.
University of Texas students sound off after public figures denounced Twitter's plan to charge a verification fee under its new owner, Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

Stephen King 'sincerely' apologizes for joke about upstate New York during speakership battle

Stephen King apologizes for tweeting joke about Utica after locals react, Local

Stephen King says House Speaker's election drama was like vacation to UTICA

MISERY Stephen King 'sincerely' apologizes for joke about upstate New York The left sure does like to apologize. The rest of the dems joining in to apologize for King's stupid white person

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Famous Author Stephen King Apologizes for Making Fun of Utica

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