

Roald Dahl books to be sold in in 2 versions after censorship backlash

Roald Dahl books to be sold in in 2 versions after censorship backlash

Un-'woke' Roald Dahl books listed for $7K online

Roald Dahl's books move into literary spotlight – The Banner

Changes to Roald Dahl books prompt claims of 'absurd censorship': tweaks to lines about weight, mental health, gender and race cause anger

Roald Dahl publisher to release original uncensored versions after public backlash

Shoppers threaten to boycott ALDI after it pulls Roald Dahl book containing word 'slut' off shelves - ABC News

Roald Dahl: The fierce debate over rewriting children's classics

Publisher to release 'classic' Roald Dahl books after backlash

Roald Dahl censorship: Original Roald Dahl works to be published alongside rewritten texts in new collection

Roald Dahl Publisher Relents after Backlash over Censorship: 'Readers Will Be Free to Choose

Roald Dahl's books edited in UK to remove sensitive language

Offensiveness' and children's books: censoring 'slut' from a Roald Dahl classic

Is censoring Roald Dahl on moral grounds a good idea?

Roald Dahl's Work Should Not Be Censored

Rishi Sunak quotes BFG as he criticises Roald Dahl rewrite