

Why are young ones of frogs called tadpoles and not baby frogs? - Quora

Why are young ones of frogs called tadpoles and not baby frogs? - Quora

Answer: Note: A tadpole is the immature form of frogs or the aquatic larva of frogs after the internal gills develop and before the resorption of the tail and the appearance of the forelimbs. The tadpole stage stays from one to three months. Once the eggs are hatched, it takes 14 weeks for the ta

Why are young ones of frogs called tadpoles and not baby frogs? - Quora

How long do baby frogs stay with their mothers? - Quora

What is known about the Loveland frog? - Quora

How do frogs reproduce? - Quora

How does one explain the life cycle of a frog? - Quora

Is it coincidental that sperm cells look like tadpoles? - Quora

What are the behaviors of frogs? - Quora

Why are young ones of frogs called tadpoles and not baby frogs? - Quora

What are examples of amphibians? - Quora

Why do frogs live near or in water? - Quora

What are some amazing things about frogs? - Quora

How do Frogs sleep? - Quora

Do you think being a frog would be fun? If you were a frog and had your human brain, what would you do? - Quora

What eats tadpoles? - Quora