

How solar panels might help fix California's drought - Marketplace

How solar panels might help fix California's drought - Marketplace

Water officials in California's Central Valley plan to cover some of their canals with solar panels, hoping the devices will conserve water by preventing evaporation.

New Renewable Energy Projects Are Overwhelming US Grids

California to tackle drought with solar panel 'canopies

California's rooftop solar policy is killing its…

County prepares for dawn of solar energy systems; small megawatt solar farm proposal for Wheatland prompts ordinance change

How solar panels might help fix California's drought - Marketplace

How UC research is helping California meet the challenges of the climate crisis

California to cover canal with solar panels in experiment to fight drought, climate change

Solar Energy Improving Resiliency: A Look at California During a Historical Drought, State, Local, and Tribal Governments

Editorial: Solar installations are plummeting and California regulators are to blame - Los Angeles Times

California Solar Panel Mandate for New Buildings Advances - The New York Times

Creating water out of thin air in the Navajo Nation - Marketplace

Is agrivoltaic farming the future of food and energy?

California is awash in renewable energy — except when it's most needed - The Washington Post

California eyes rooftop solar policy changes. The industry says its future hangs in the balance

Are Solar Thermal Power Plants Doomed?